Committed to breathing, bending, evolving and growing with you


Wendy’s teaching style, 

is intimate, relatable, soft & inclusive leaving you with an invitation to begin where are you are in your body & life - which allows the journey to unravel naturally from the inside out. She weaves a tapestry of practical guidance, subtle details and deep insight accessing Intimate pathways to self -discovery that is unique to all who practice. Teaching for over 20 yrs, and facilitating yoga retreats around the world. Wendy follows the roots of hatha yoga and spins an eclectic web of various styles & movement teaching modalities into her class offerings. These teachings have been drawn from her work with taming hyper mobility & accessing mindful strength to calming the anxious mind and instilling positive internal narratives through her reflective
“ life as it is “ way of being. This attitude inspires her teaching, inviting us all to uncover and reach continually for our most alive route to life.


To disarm the structure of tension we must become unraveled... tension can be stubborn. You have to be willing to become dissolved, to fall out of balance... unravelling is often messy, uncomfortable , sticky even. Our tension however, is like clutter... it's a nuisance.

At the very core of us we crave the intimate space within that is occupied by that clutter.  We all desire to reclaim that spaciousness . What if we created an internal commitment to cleaning up that clutter? a commitment  to calming the excessive thoughts in our minds and combing through the physical tension in our bodies. When we create these practices we slide back towards SPACIOUSNESS and INTERNAL FREEDOM.

Think of all the potential that could be trapped in the structure of tension? 

Lets find our freedom... 


When I met Wendy, I had been suffering from 5 weeks of extreme digestive pain and insomnia. I had gone through rigorous medical testing and it seemed that the only rational cause was stress. Throughout the five days of yoga practice with Wendy, my pain went away and I enjoyed deeply restive sleep. Wendy’s style of yoga teaching helped to restore my health in a few ways:

1. She is very attentive to individual students’ needs. She spots when students are struggling with positions, helps to guide them there and follows up to make sure her guidance makes sense the next time around. 

2. She is gentle. The women in my yoga retreat ranged from late 20s to mid-50s, and were accustomed to practicing everything from sweaty, intense hip hop yoga to very light hatha. She found a way to accommodate everyone’s expectations by focusing on making us all feel connected to ourselves. One woman (mid 50s) in our group said that she didn’t know how to breath until practicing with Wendy. Wendy’s gentleness taught me how to listen to my body, and move to the places it wants to go, with a levity I haven’t felt before. She transformed my practice from one of arduous athleticism to nourishing, meditative motion. 

3. She incorporates inspirational meditations and oils into her teaching. This makes the practice nourishing for the mind, body and soul.  

- Jessica Sapick