Stay in touch


A few things to remember when you start to spin. 

A few things to remember when you start to spin. 

Pull back from the outer noise. 

Drop beneath it. 

The mind, when turbulent,  makes it very hard to see. 

Slow it all down... How, you ask? 

One slow conscious breath in, followed by an easy breath out. 

Don’t strain, don’t work too hard. 

Just be in this harbour, tucked into a gentle rhythm. To the sureness of your breathing lungs & beating heart. 

I know, that’s so simple you say. 

Pull that breath down from high up in your chest to your belly, let in linger, let it center the spinning top of your mind. 

There is grace in the space between all that you do. 

This is being. 

Drop your shoulders, yawn your jaw open as wide as you can and sigh. 

Sigh all the way out like a river moving with a clear direction. 

Let the next breath come and the next with sureness and slowness. 

I can’t tell you how many times a day it becomes my anchor of the moment. 

Feel the turbulence settle, the calm waters of the mind becoming clearer. 

I’ll meet you in the space between all that we do. 

I’ll meet you in the grace of being.