Oct. 30 Full moon Practice & Ceremony for Remembering
7:00 PM19:00

Oct. 30 Full moon Practice & Ceremony for Remembering

Together in the sanctuary of safe space we will create - relaxation rituals, - practices that increase our relationship to body, soul, spirit, heart, ancestors, creator & cosmos.

I will share with you what I call "Hollow bone movement journey" - a way to clear energy channels, & drop down beyond the mind to slough off heaviness & reorient ourselves to our steady Spirit.

Breath work to sink deeper into consciousness & to stimulate our relaxation response. Gentle yoga / movement patterns to explore the soft animal body we live in.

Poetry, prayers & sound meditations to connect to the potency of the cycle of death & rebirth.

The veils between our World and the Spirit world are quite thin at this auspicious time. it is a potent time for ceremony & reflection.

May we enter into the cave of our hearts together.

Oct. Full Full practice. Sign up here

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Yoga assisting workshop for Yoga Teachers - Postponed
to Jun 7

Yoga assisting workshop for Yoga Teachers - Postponed

Join us in a workshop that we feel is an essential experience for Yoga Teachers and trainees alike to learn how to practice safe, effective and intelligent Yoga assists. Through compassionate yet clear boundaries, learn how to touch your students in a way that deepens their experience and their Self-knowledge. This trail guide will develop a foundation of safe structure, which will in turn, support your creative and intuitive teaching. Wendy and Allie bring decades of experience as teachers and teacher trainers to this workshop and to their acclaimed manual, “The Necessity of Touch,the Fundamentals of Yoga Assists”. In a time where we are more apprehensive than ever to touch, Allie and Wendy offer a step-by-step guide to creating an ethical and nurturing sanctuary within your classes.⠀
Your 2-day immersion will provide the following:⠀
• How to tame hyper-mobility⠀
• The basics of assisting to be able to discern right assists in any⠀
• Sensitization of hands⠀
• Touching and assisting with integrity and confidence⠀
• Communication through hands when words are not enough⠀
•Working with the power of the breath⠀
•Gaining deeper connection with students⠀
*** Valid for 12 hours accreditation of professional development through Yoga Alliance⠀
Cost: $325 + HST (early bird special if registered by Sept 1) or $350 + HST⠀
Come practice with us! - www.ahimsa.ca

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The Chemistry of Calm
1:00 PM13:00

The Chemistry of Calm

In learning how to create a formula for inner calm it helps to understand the chemistry of our magnificent brain’s & it’s brain waves.
Alpha brain waves are the bridge between our sub conscious & conscious mind. The idle state we drop into when meditating or during wakeful relaxation.
Theta brainwaves are associated with the ability to feel deep & profound emotion. This wave concerns itself with natural intuition & creativity and plays a role in our systems restoration.
Together we will share movement practices to increase connection to body, mind & soul awareness through a combination of gentle postures coupled with simple Qigong forms.
Accompanied by meditations, breath work and a short writing practices designed to give you “a question to walk with”
Sound meditation delivered by crystal & tibetan bowls, Koshi chimes & recorded soundscapes tapping us into the frequency of both Theta and Alpha brain waves, building upon our natural capacity for resilience and healing.

Cost: $50 + hst

You can register for this event here The chemistry of calm

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The Embodied Feminine
1:00 PM13:00

The Embodied Feminine

The way of the Embodied Feminine calls us back to one another & deep into ourselves. It is a living reminder that there is a place for all women to speak, share, listen, move & breathe.

The Embodied Feminine circle is being created as a sacred & safe, cocoon like space for Women to gather & explore connection, primal intuition, stillness, creativity & what it means to give & receive in a supportive community of Women.This is a space where we can examine the softness & power of our femininity. .


Traversing through the known & unknown parts of ourselves will help to uncover what it means to live fully from our power source through our bodies, hearts, minds & luminous spirits.


In each session we will explore these modalities ~ group meditation~ Ayurveda practices~ energy medicine practices~ qigong~ intuitive movement~ breath work~ ecstatic dance~ gentle yoga~ shamanic journeying~ tea ceremony~ sound meditation~ voice work

We will gather at 3 different Dates - March 8 - MOVE - June 7 - FEEL - Oct. 4 - SPEAK

From 1:00 - 4:00 pm - $60.00 per session or all 3 for $150

At The Open Space

1022 West Harvey Ave.

Dorset, Ont.

You can register here The Embodied Feminine

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Spring Equinox Sound Meditation
2:00 PM14:00

Spring Equinox Sound Meditation

Gather to breathe, connect, reflect & be as we open ourselves to the arms of the Spring season. Shake off the contractions of winter and welcome the increase of LIGHT.

Sound meditation, spoken word poetry & ceremony bring us into deeper states of calm, ease, reflection & inner attunement.

Using the frequency of sound to align our energetic vibration into a balanced peaceful state increases health & well being at the very core of us.
Simple, restful & gentle yoga postures will aid in deepening the connection to intuitive body language, sacred idleness & rest. Sound medicine delivered by crystal bowls, chimes, tuning forks, rattles and voice.

You can register for this event here - Spring Equinox sound meditation

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Solstice Gathering
3:30 PM15:30

Solstice Gathering

Join us in celebrating the Winter Solstice, Sound scape meditations by Wendy and music by Graig Cardiff. Come together and share in the liminal space of the season, in sound and silence and most certainly together. This event will be help at The Open Space.

Where : The Open Space , 1014 Harvey Ave

Tickets are $40.00 you can email cait@theopenspace.co to reserve

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Full moon sound meditation & gentle yoga
6:30 PM18:30

Full moon sound meditation & gentle yoga

Our sound meditations are shaped around the full moon cycles, Equinoxes & Solstices. We gather to breathe, connect, reflect & be together as we navigate our way through these times.


Sound meditation brings us into states of calm and ease. The intent for a sound bath meditation is to use the frequency of sound to align our own energetic vibration into a balanced calm state. 


Through crystal bowls, wind chimes and several other instruments your nervous system will be lulled into receptivity & alignment.


Simple, restful & gentle yoga postures will aid in deepening the connection to sacred idleness & rest. 

please register at www.ahimsa.ca

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Full moon sound meditation & gentle yoga
6:30 PM18:30

Full moon sound meditation & gentle yoga

Our sound meditations are shaped around the full moon cycles, Equinoxes & Solstices. We gather to breathe, connect, reflect & be together as we navigate our way through these times.


Sound meditation brings us into states of calm and ease. The intent for a sound bath meditation is to use the frequency of sound to align our own energetic vibration into a balanced calm state. 


Through crystal bowls, wind chimes and several other instruments your nervous system will be lulled into receptivity & alignment.


Simple, restful & gentle yoga postures will aid in deepening the connection to sacred idleness & rest. 

please register at www.ahimsa.ca

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Full moon sound meditation & gentle yoga ( summer solstice celebration )
6:30 PM18:30

Full moon sound meditation & gentle yoga ( summer solstice celebration )

Our sound meditations are shaped around the full moon cycles, Equinoxes & Solstices. We gather to breathe, connect, reflect & be together as we navigate our way through these times.


Sound meditation brings us into states of calm and ease. The intent for a sound bath meditation is to use the frequency of sound to align our own energetic vibration into a balanced calm state. 


Through crystal bowls, wind chimes and several other instruments your nervous system will be lulled into receptivity & alignment.


Simple, restful & gentle yoga postures will aid in deepening the connection to sacred idleness & rest. 

please register at www.ahimsa.ca

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Sacred Living Practice - crystal medicine, sound therapy, movement alchemy
1:00 PM13:00

Sacred Living Practice - crystal medicine, sound therapy, movement alchemy

The first workshop in a new series. Please join Sacred Living practitioners Wendy Martin, Trixie Freebird and Sheryle Blasko for this empowering workshop designed to help shape Sacred Living practices for an authentic life. 
Sacred Living topics include -
Movement moves energy and connects us with our primal understanding of where we are holding, where we can let go and in what ways we love to move. Yoga teaches us how our body can best serve our mind and how both our bodies and mind can serve the highest purpose of the soul. 
Sound therapy can bring us into states of calm through frequency and vibration. Our systems can run on overdrive with the buzz of the external sounds of life. The intent for a sound bath is to use the frequency of the pure pitch of crystal bowls to bring our own energetic vibration into balanced alignment. 
Crystals carry independent frequencies that can cleanse, clear and charge a space. When placed together with intention, known as gridding, their impact is amplified. Crystal medicine offers both a beautiful visual affirmation while simultaneously holding a powerful vibration to support our desired outcomes.
This workshop is designed for you to experience the synergies of these sacred modalities. 
• Investment - $65 - each participant will receive their own crystal grid starter kit 
• registration / location - Ahimsa Yoga in Huntsville - 705-789-0367 


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Muskoka Yoga Festival
7:00 AM07:00

Muskoka Yoga Festival

This workshop is designed to use the body as a way to understand the deeper layers of ourselves by connecting with the subtle energies of the elements within us.

The “Vayus” are the experience of energy rising within us. We will work with the Chakra (energy center) and the Vayu associated with each element as a way for us to understand the body physically, energetically and spiritually. Using the body as a way for us to understand the various layers of ourselves.

WATER YOGA SEQUENCES connect us to our internal creativity and fluidity. Water acts as both a carrier and an agent for change. Water movement practices create the connective flow between breath and movement. Circular, undulating, twisting and rhythmic movement patterns connect us to our own creative expression that brings harmony and balance to our life energy.

FIRE YOGA SEQUENCES create deep focus, clarity, courage, inner power, vitality and strength. Fire is the energy of purification, transformation and change. Twisting postures invigorate, purify and tone the core. Coiling energy and core cultivation is necessary to support and stabilize. The merging of WATER and FIRE energy manifests as spontaneity, balance, stability, strength and harmony which naturally brings quietness and balance to our minds and emotions.


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Muskoka Yoga Festival
4:00 PM16:00

Muskoka Yoga Festival

This workshop is designed to use the body as a way to understand the deeper layers of ourselves by connecting with the subtle energies of the elements within us.

The “Vayus” are the experience of energy rising within us. We will work with the Chakra (energy center) and the Vayu associated with each element as a way for us to understand the body physically, energetically and spiritually.

EARTH YOGA SEQUENCES offer us primal foundation, solidity, and a sense of coming home to oneself. Earth movement practices are slow, steady and stabilizing. Restorative postures ground, hip openers expand and lunar circular movements create balance.

AIR YOGA SEQUENCES offer us expanding and radiating motion, transporting energy to all places where it can express itself. Air movement practices increase circulation within the lymphatic and nervous system. Heart openers liberate density and inspire freedom. You will learn how to create omni-directional, spontaneous, expressive, undulating and creative movement medicine.

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Emotions and Essential oils
7:00 PM19:00

Emotions and Essential oils

Emotions drive so many of our daily decisions. What we feel emotionally manifests in how we feel physically and vice versa. When we are able to guide our emotional energy, and self-regulate, we empower our wellbeing and experience more ease and flow within. In this free 30-minute essential oils study session you will learn how to address mood and emotional issues safely and naturally.

Class is free for all and will be held at Ahimsa yoga 52 Main Street in Huntsville. Please call to save a spot. 705 789-0367

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Havana Yoga Retreat
to Feb 11

Havana Yoga Retreat

 Feb.6-11 & Apr. 17-22

Join us for a yoga and salsa dancing humanitarian retreat to the long sought-after city of Havana and beyond. Havana is our home for the week. We'll explore the city re-emerging as one of the hottest cultural centres in the world. Cuba is loaded with rich history, incredible music, art, amazing food, charming people and lots of soul. Our retreat will include yoga daily, private salsa lessons with professional Cuban dancers plus nights on the town with live music to continue the practice, meals, excursions , and a humanitarian projects to aid Cuban families in need. We will be supporting the people daily with our donations, cultural explorations, as well as sharing yoga with the locals.


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Mexico Yoga Retreat
to Feb 3

Mexico Yoga Retreat

Happiness in Holbox...


Holbox is small secluded island  just north of Cancun on the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. Long known for its breathtaking sunsets and quiet escapes. Bikes, golf carts, and your two feet take you around this gorgeous island. Tranquil  seas, wildlife, and tropical breezes make up the week as time creeps along in the special nest of paradise. Our days will be spent practicing yoga, lounging beach side,  we will experience a boat tour and golf cart excursion of the island. We complete our time together with a sacred mayan mud ceremony .


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Elemental Yoga - Earth & Air
1:00 PM13:00

Elemental Yoga - Earth & Air

This workshop is designed to use the body as a way to understand the deeper layers of ourselves by connecting with the subtle energies of the elements within us.

The “Vayus” are the experience of energy rising within us. We will work with the Chakra(energy center) and the Vayu associated with each element as a way for us to understand the body physically, energetically and spiritually. Using the body as a way for us to understand the various layers of ourselves.

EARTH YOGA SEQUENCES offer us primal foundation, solidity, and a sense of coming home to oneself. Earth movement practices are slow, steady and stabilizing. Restorative postures ground, hip openers expand and lunar circular movements create balance.

AIR YOGA SEQUENCES offer us expanding and radiating motion, transporting energy to all places where it can express itself. Air movement practices increase circulation within the lymphatic and nervous system. Heart openers liberate density and inspire freedom. You will learn how to create omni-directional, spontaneous, expressive, undulating and creative movement medicine.


Cost: $50 +hst Minimum Participants: 8 Registration Deadline: Nov 9

Call 705-789-0367



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Fall Yoga Retreat in Portugal
to Oct 28

Fall Yoga Retreat in Portugal

Oct. 21 -28

Odemira in South West Portugal is the gem of the country offering incredible landscapes, glorious hiking, optional surfing opportunities, delectable seafoods, and gorgeous mountain valleys. Our seven night retreat nestled in the lush Monte Orada valley on the edge of the Alentejado National Park and Costa Vicentina, arguably the most beautiful spot in the country with its dramatic coastal scenery of cliffs, beaches and abundant fauna including raptors and sea otters. Our home for the week is in an ecological retreat center that boasts its own gardens, yoga spaces and charming rooms Just a 10 minute ride over the hill down to the Sea. www.yogaadventuresworldwide.com

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Harnessing the Wind... A yoga practice with Allie Chisholm-Smith and Wendy Martin
10:00 PM22:00

Harnessing the Wind... A yoga practice with Allie Chisholm-Smith and Wendy Martin

Harnessing the Wind

Weaving Ayurvedic understanding of the elements and in particular the vayus or the wind, we will guide a practice with the intention of right action in the face of disturbance.  Explore the balance between mobilization (creative and fluid) and stabilization (grounding and strength).  Through our Yoga, we can learn to harness to the wind to our advantage and lower the sails when we need to retreat and build reserves back up.  This is an excellent workshop for teachers who want to expand their knowledge of Ayurveda and the vayus specifically.


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Dancing Warrior Series @ Muskoka Yoga Festival
3:00 PM15:00

Dancing Warrior Series @ Muskoka Yoga Festival

Dancing warrior” is a sequence melding the classical warrior poses with creative versions and adaptations. We are all seeking to be warriors of the heart with Ahimsa (non-violence ) at the center of us ; what does it mean to be a warrior of the heart? How can we step out into the world with an unshakable presence of integrity and truth? As we dance through this life we are reminded to be fluid and yielding like water to all obstacles on the path, and grounded and steadfast in the conviction spoken through the heart, like a true warrior on the path towards peace.

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